von Viktoria Rieber | Jan. 2, 2022 | Results
master theses on diva project here you can find another excellent master thesis about the Diva-Project. The thesis was written by a student of the Ludwigsburg University of Education and was developed in close cooperation with our partners in Israel. The thesis gives...
von Viktoria Rieber | Jan. 2, 2022 | Results
master theses on diva project here you can find an excellent master thesis about the Diva-Project. The thesis was written by a student of the Ludwigsburg University of Education and was developed in close cooperation with our partners in Israel. The thesis gives an...
von Viktoria Rieber | Nov. 22, 2021 | Results
Here you can find a poster on DIVA that we presented at the Symposium International Teaching on 18 and 19 November 2021 at the TU Braunschweig.We would like to thank the organisers of this exciting symposium and look forward to future opportunities for collaboration....
von Viktoria Rieber | Sep. 28, 2021 | Results
Here you can find more outcomes from our DIVA project. What did students experience within DIVA and what kept them busy? Which topics were discussed and worked on? You can find these impressions and many more in the file „DIVA_Outcomes“ below....
von Viktoria Rieber | Juli 20, 2021 | Results
An exciting summary of what has happened so far in the ongoing Diva project awaits you. Check this: DIVA-Unit-5-Lecture-10-final-version-1Herunterladen The Diva project is now entering the exciting phase of evaluating and analysing the rich data.We are extremely...
von Viktoria Rieber | März 4, 2021 | Results
If you are interested in international collaboration and the use of innovative tools in teacher education you might like to take a look at another project, coordinated by Prof. G. Schwab: proPIC – Promoting Professionalism, Innovation and Transnational...
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